Thanksgiving is upon us, and I just love this time of year. Waking up to a brisk autumn morning looking out onto the beautiful countryside of harvested fields and freshly raked piles of leaves is invigorating. It is both tranquil and exciting all at once.
I am fortunate that I get to see, touch, and smell these fields. It adds to the connection I already have with agriculture and serves as a reminder that farming isn't for the faint of heart. I am privileged to work with the farmers across this country and intend to continue working with them in bringing food to plates around the world.
As you may be aware, The Agchat Foundation started a campaign called #foodthanks. If you are not aware, read my previous post and go to the Foodthanks site. The idea behind it is to remember that the food on your plate was produced by someone. I, for one, am very thankful that there are folks out there who produce more than what they need for their family so my family can have safe, affordable, nutritious food. So to all the farmers out there..please accept my
So take some time and express your gratitude and foodthanks to the hard working women and men producing our food.
I am grateful. Grateful for my family, friends, health, clean water and air, pets, and a myriad of other sensational aspects of my life. Have you reflected on what you are grateful and thankful for? Try it out and focus your energy on being grateful. You will find it really impacts your outloook on.....everything.
On a professional level, I am extremely grateful and thankful that I participate in agriculture. Almost everyone I meet in my field has a burning desire to do what they do; this is what agriculture does to a person!
As on can probably tell, this post is focused on giving thanks and expressing gratitude. Thanksgiving is right around the corner after all, and I want to show you a great way to share your gratitude to the hard working women and men in agricuture that provided that safe, healthy, affordable, nutritious meal that is on your table and plate.
It is called #Foodthanks (ignore the pound sign if you do not participate on twitter - and if you don't you really should). The website is Stop reading this post now and go check it out. It provides you with 5 different avenues for you to express your thanks to farmers and others in agriculture.
Simulating the passing of time
OK - so you have now gone to the website. See how easy it is? I will also add that if you have any questions, I mean any please let me know. I would be ecstatic to assist you.
Here is my video on giving Foodthanks. It is my first go at capturing video for my blog.