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    ProFood people you should follow on Twitter

    I would also like to add a few people who work hard at developing local food economies that supply healthy fruits and vegetables to their community. I have been in vigorous debates with each and every one of these individuals. They are passionate about their ideals (almost as much as I am about mine :)) and are always up for a good discussion. We may not agree on everything, but we certainly all want the same thing: safe, healthy food for our community, family, and especially our children.

    @Jambutter - Rob is the founder of Every Kitchen Table. On this blog you will find the 5 stones of the #ProFood movement. Rob is extremely active and very strong in his opinions, which certainly makes for a lively debate. Rob also blogs on The Huffington Post. I look forward to more fruitful (pun intended) discussion on how we can bridge the gap from farmer to consumer as well as from #ProFood to other #ag folks we engage in on Twitter. As an aside, Rob has asked if I would write on his blog a response to the 5 Stones. I have said yes, and have not delivered. I hope to get that done next week. Sorry for the delay Rob.

    @ZacharyCohen - Zach is a food television writer and producer. He also has a blog where he covers the food debates with fairness and sincerity. I have spoken to Zach and he is sincere in his desire to engage with modern farmers to learn as well as discuss the merits of the ProFood movement. Thanks for the good discussions Zach.

    @Kubileya - Joya is an organic market gardener. Joya is a strong supporter of the tenants of #ProFood, whether that be organic production or CSA's. She is involved in it all.

    @meridithmo - Meridith also is a big supporter of CSA's. If memory serves, she is in the process of starting one in her community. Go Meridith!

    As you can imagine, there are many more that can be added to the list. As time goes on, I am sure I will be able to add a #FF shout out to other individuals and companies involved in the #ProFood movement.


    1. Wow Nate, what a great post, I have shared on Twitter as well as on the Stumble Upon toolbar so hopefully you'll see a bump in traffic! Thanks so much for the mention and your awesome contributions to the community. About time we had our second chat hopefully!

    1. Zach - Thank you very much for the compliment. It is much appreciated. And, it certainly sounds like a chat is in order..Let's do it!

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