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    Ag Folks to Follow on #Twitter for #FollowFriday

    Another week has just flown by. Do yourself a favor and follow everyone of these #ag folks. My time is short so a broad overview  in lieu of a lengthy description of each person will have to suffice.

    #Farmers - The farmers listed below have been very active this week, from travel overseas to blog posting, interviews, and online chats via #onthefarm. They each spend time interacting with anyone, I mean anyone, who takes an interest in agriculture who wants to learn how their food, fuel, and fiber is produced. Without further ado, here is my list for the week ending September 4th, 2009, again in no particular order:


    #Media - As we know, media plays a crucial role in how consumers view agricultural production. The following individuals are strong #agvocates. They work tirelessly to help farmers get their message out, always report facts, and perform their journalistic duties as proper journalists should.


    #Legal Eagles - The following #agricultural #lawyers are always their to help and answer questions. They are up to date with what is going on in their communities, as well as with the industry in general. Thank you for representing the interests of the #ag community and sharing your knowledge. We all appreciate it.


    #Industry Providers - This group covers a broad base of #ag folks. Otherwise, we would be sifting through way to many industry segments. Suffice it to say the the following individuals provide key support for the #ag industry, whether through the supply of inputs, education (I included academic extension services in this group), research, marketing, or services. Thanks for all you do.


    Stay tuned for next weeks #FollowFriday shout outs to other #ag folks. Your hard work and dedication help to feed my family, and build strong local communities. All my best on this Labor Day holiday weekend. I will grill a delicious Rib-Eye and enjoy a tasty beverage for you all.

    A little Humor is always good on a Friday: Please double click to open the larger file

    PS - For Shaun, I thought I would just let everyone know that we can thank....wait for it...CANADA for our holiday weekend. The founder of Labor Day in the US, Peter McGuire, first witnessed a "Labor Day" celebration in the year 1882 in Toronto. He was so inspired that he brought the celebration back to the United States. The rest, as they say, is history!


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